MegaRide has bees officially included among the partners of the VI-Certified program, promoted by VI-grade with the aim to increase the compliance and the potential of its platform in cooperation with the main players of the automotive simulation market. In the last couple of years, once developed the main Physical Models infrastructure, a significant effort has been expressed by MegaRide IT group in terms of product integration. The main goal was to make our products compliant to any simulation platform, within both the offline optimization routines and the hard real-time online environments. This great work, performed with the priceless cooperation of VI-grade technical team, led us to gain their official certification as “third party” able to provide plug&play solutions, next to other relevant players of the automotive software market.
Being included within the VI-Certified program is a further evidence of the robustness, reliability and continuously improving level of integration of the MegaRide solutions.
The words of our our CTO, Aleksandr Sakhnevych:
“Being included within the VI-Certified program is a further evidence of the robustness, reliability and continuously improving level of integration of the MegaRide solutions within both the optimization offline routines and the hard real-time online environments of the VI-grade simulation platform”