Also this year MegaRide takes part as speaker and as Golden Sponsor to the “VI-grade 2021 Zero Prototypes Summit”. The event will focus on how the major players in the worldwide automotive industry currently use simulation and driving simulators to accelerate the development of new vehicles, thus enabling them to get ever closer to virtual sign-off.

Also this year MegaRide takes part as speaker and as Golden Sponsor to the “VI-grade 2021 Zero Prototypes Summit”. During the event, on May 20 and 21, we will have the opportunity to give a talk entitled “Turn-key approach to tire digital twin multiphysical modelling: from road data to Xil”, in which we will illustrate step by step the accompanying path for our partners through the process of “digitization” of a real tire.
Initially, we start from the track or the road, where we are in direct contact with the vehicle and the tire, and where, thanks to our methodologies, we are able to characterize them using vehicle data, as if this was a four-wheel laboratory.
Once this information has been acquired, we are able to process the data by identifying the parameters of our physical models, which reproduce the multiphysical conditions of contact between tires and road, analyzing and reproducing the behavior of the tire in its use, and consequently of the entire vehicle. After reproducing the contact, we will illustrate the methodologies that we have developed over the years to determine in an absolutely non-destructive way the characteristics of the tires and the operating principles of our innovative software.

The final objective is expressed in the possibility that our users have a “digital twin” of the tire, which allows them to develop vehicles and tires themselves, saving time and money, through real-time physical simulation activities.