This innovative project, co-financed by Unione Europea, Stato Italiano, Regione Campania, related to the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020, consists in the development of innovative algorithms to be implemented on car ECU with the aim to estimate in real-time the most important physical parameters related to car mobility; in particular, the algorithm will be able to identify the tyre-road interactions characteristics, based on Pacejka’s MF, using signals already available in a normal production car, as well as to estimate car sideslip angle without using expensive optical or GPS based sensors, finally comparing the actual driving conditions with the implemented tyre-road interaction data, in order to adapt the vehicle control logics and to optimize safety and racing performance. The overall contribution received is about €311,000, employed for the development of a mobility platform for testing and prototyping activities.

The final goal is to improve road safety through an optimized usage of active control systems and exchanging information between vehicles, in order to provide a real-time map of the road conditions; such output will allow to optimize the active control logics and to give more accurate information to insurance and road management companies. The whole project will be made possible thanks to the PON support. Deepin at:
- Algorithm to identify the optimal running conditions and compare them with the current states
- Developed software compliant with the partner’s platform thanks to Concurrent’s hardware
- A car with advanced instrumentation aimed to perform tests and high technical value analysis regarding vehicle dynamic and with prototypal hardware and control logic has been bought and set up