The Megariders, living in the shadow of Vesuvio, breathing the sea breeze, smelling the tires burning.
RESEARCH – Our people deeply believe in the strength of scientific research, actually applied to the races and to the evolutive path run by mobility. The continuous investment in our team’s knowledge and expertise is supported by the intrinsic relationship with the UniNa Vehicle Dynamics research group and by the possibility that each member has to grow, freely following both projects with customers and R&D activities on pioneering and strategic topics.
COMMITTMENT – We take onboard people able to understand that MegaRide is a dream become true, and able to keep alive such vision, making it their own dream. The tangible feeling of being capable to have an impact on the company growth, the hectic rhythm of living inside motorsport, the contact with a multidisciplinary and international context, push our people to commit, to improve, to focus on the details that makes the difference, for us and for our partners’ achievements.
FAMILY – Each of us, every morning, is free to choose if working at our research lab, from home, at office, or sitting in a coffee on the seaside. But the connection among all of us, inside and outside the workplace, is a key-point. We grew first of all as a group of people, united by the will to succeed doing the most beautiful job in the world, from the best place in the world. Each of us takes care of someone else, taking in our company the structure of a research team, working fast as a race team.
Dr. Flavio Farroni is Applied Mechanics assistant professor at University of Naples, CEO of MegaRide, and works as academic consultant in vehicle dynamics for several companies and racing teams. His work focuses on the development of interaction models accounting for friction and thermodynamics phenomena in the field of contact mechanics, for the optimization of dry and wet grip performances and the consolidation of smart mobility scenarios. He has been awarded during TTexpo 2015 as “Young Scientist of the Year”, by MIT Technology Review as one of the 10 Italian Innovators Under 35 in 2018.
Dr. Aleksandr Sakhnevych is Vehicle Dynamics researcher and Applied Mechanics assistant professor at the University of Naples Federico II and CTO of MegaRide applied vehicle research. The research activities are closely related to the understanding and modelling of the tire-road interaction with the specific aim to bridge the gap between the indoor/outdoor vehicle/tire testing and the reproduction of the system under study within the real-time simulation environment. The development of physical-based innovative real-time models represents a foundation stone for the evolution of the onboard control systems to be employed within the autonomous driving field.
Prof. Francesco Timpone is Associate Professor of Vehicle Dynamics at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II and is chairman and co-founder of “MegaRide”. He has a PhD in Thermo-Mechanical Systems Engineering in 2004 at University of Naples Federico II discussing a thesis developed in collaboration with Elasis S.C.p.A. (FCA Group): “Ottimizzazione dell’impianto frenante e delle strategie di controllo del nodo freni dell’autoveicolo mediante simulazione SIL (Software in the Loop)”. His main research fields are Vehicle Dynamics and Controls, Tyre-Road Interaction, Mechanical Transmissions, Tribology, Lubrication.
Dr. Damiano Capra, CXO of MegaRide, has a PhD in Vehicle Dynamics from the Polytechnic of Turin during which he spent 8 months at the University of California, Berkeley. After the PhD he moved to General Motors Powertrain Europe and then to Ferrari Formula 1 team. He started in Vehicle Dynamic group and then moved to the TyreScience Group where he spent the first part of his career in modelling and simulator activities and the second part on track testing and racing.